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Tag: go

#4 Sharing Friday

Google has agreed to a settlement over a class-action lawsuit regarding Chrome’s “Incognito” mode, which involves deleting billions of data records of users’ private browsing activities.
The settlement includes maintaining a change to Incognito mode that blocks third-party cookies by default, enhancing privacy for users and reducing the data Google collects.

Profile-guided optimization – The Go Programming Language (

Go: The Complete Guide to Profiling Your Code | HackerNoon

Have you already tried Go profiling with PGO?

  • More informed compiler optimizations lead to better application performance.
  • Profiles from already-optimized binaries can be used, allowing for an iterative lifecycle of continuous improvement.
  • Go PGO is designed to be robust to changes between the profiled and current versions of the application.
  • Storing profiles in the source repository simplifies the build process and ensures reproducible builds.

Here’s a list of useful git options that could be very useful!

Observability is highlighted as the fundamental practice for all other Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) areas, essential for avoiding “flying blind.”

The article discusses common misconceptions that hinder success in observability, emphasizing the need for the right mindset and avoidance of overly complex solutions.§

The shift towards event-based Service Level Objectives (SLOs) is recommended over time-based metrics, advocating for simplicity and the importance of leadership support in SLO implementation.

The article discusses the security risks associated with Terraform state files in DevOps, particularly when an attacker gains the ability to edit them.

It highlights that while the Terraform state should be secure and only modifiable by the CI/CD pipeline, in reality, an attacker can exploit it to take over the entire infrastructure.
The piece emphasizes the importance of securing both the Terraform files and the state files, as well as implementing measures like state locking and permission configurations to prevent unauthorized access and modifications.
It also explores the potential for attackers to use custom providers to execute malicious code during the Terraform initialization process.

The article details a cybersecurity breach where the Russian hacker group Midnight Blizzard accessed Microsoft’s source code and internal systems.

Microsoft confirmed the breach originated from a password spray attack on a non-production test account without multi-factor authentication.

The attack, which began in November 2023, led to the theft of undisclosed customer secrets communicated via email. Microsoft has contacted affected customers and increased security measures, but the full extent and impact of the breach remain under investigation. The incident highlights the global threat of sophisticated nation-state cyber attacks.

#3 Sharing Friday

This page provides an in-depth look at how Cloudflare harnesses physical chaos to bolster Internet security and explores the potential of public randomness and timelock encryption in applications.

There is the story of Cloudflare’s LavaRand, a system that uses physical entropy sources like lava lamps for Internet security, has grown over four years, diversifying beyond its original single source.
Cloudflare handles millions of HTTP requests secured by TLS, which requires secure randomness.
LavaRand contributes true randomness to Cloudflare’s servers, enhancing the security of cryptographic protocols.

Here’s you can find a very interesting public dashboard provided by CloudFlare showing a lot of stats about current cyber attacks

avelino/awesome-go: A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software (

A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software

ChatGPT4 has been beaten.

Introducing three new AI models – Haiku, Sonnet, and Opus – with ascending capabilities for various applications1.
Opus and Sonnet are now accessible via and the Claude API, with Haiku coming soon.
Opus excels in benchmarks for AI systems.

All models feature improved analysis, forecasting, content creation, code generation, and multilingual conversation abilities.

kubectl trick of the week.


function k_get_images_digests {
  kubectl --context ${ENV}-aks \
          -n ${ENV}-security get pod \
          -l${APP} \
          -o json| jq -r '.items[].status.containerStatuses[].imageID' |uniq -c

alias k-get-images-id=k_get_images_digests

Through this alias you can get all the image digests of a specific release filtering by its label and then filter for unique values

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